Saturday, December 27, 2008

Rare Christmas Card

When sending Christmas greetings via SMS' and emails is the norm these days, receiving a Christmas greeting card in the old fashioned way was truly precious indeed!

Think of the effort the sender went through in going to the shopping outlet, choosing the specific card, writing the message, getting the stamp and mailing it.....

Well, for this Christmas, beside cards received from business associates, we only received one card from family members- a special card from my niece and her family.

Thank again. Your effort is truly appreciated!

For our clients and business associates,we still faithfully send out the cards the old way- That's personal touch.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Another Battle Scar, RIP Eunice!

When it was announced this morning in the Church that Eunice Chung (Mrs. George Lo) has left to be with the Lord on Saturday morning, there was this choking in the throat and heaviness in the heart that we were helpless to do something to reverse her fate.
It was only Friday night that we still prayed for miraculous intervention to change her destination, but alas to no avail.

It was said that when one is first saved, he is so full of faith and vigour to share the power of this new found faith. Somehow, this zeal and vigour is slowly lost along the way. Is this to be another battle scar that makes us less ready and fearful to share the Good News of salvation ?

Yes, there will be reasons by many to justify such an ending. But looking at those who are left behind to struggle to live on, it is difficult to find appropriate words that could minimize this loss and pain.

Of course, the world will still goes on ! Let treasure every minute of living in it !

Saturday, December 06, 2008

World's Best Pizza

We were also introduced to a little shop at Mundaring in our recent trip to Perth which serves the world's best pizza.
As to whether the claim put up by this little shop is justified or otherwise, the faces of these diners do give a bit of the clue of the verdict. Any less favourable verdict probably will come when I find another better one somewhere else latter on.
A bit of contemplation at the encounter with the so called "world's class pizza"

Fish Head Mee Soup

Fish head mee soup in Perth introduced by Meng How and serene was really good and we had to go for a second round before making back home to Sabah.

Not to be outdone by the Perthians, we also had a go of it back home (credit goes to my wife of course !) with Paul as our guest.

Welcome Home, Paul!